Mercury Install
To install Mercury Database Console you will need to do the following:
You can create a new UniData account in any existing directory on the server hosting UniData. To do so:
· Open a command shell from Windows (Start-> Run -> cmd) or by logging into Universe and issuing the DOS command.
· Once in a Windows shell, navigate to the directory in which you wish to create your account, and use the “mkdir” command to create a directory for the Mercury account:
· Type the command (changing the path if UniData is not loaded into its default location):
This creates a new, UniData based account for mercury.
In addition to creating a Mercury account on Unidata you will need to change the following parameters in the udtconfig file:
#2.7 UniBasic related parameters
You can create a new UniVerse account in any existing directory on the server hosting UniVerse. To do so:
· Open a command shell from Windows (Start-> Run -> cmd) or by logging into Universe and issuing the DOS command.
· Once in a Windows shell, navigate to the directory in which you wish to create your account, and use the “mkdir” command to create a directory for the Mercury account:
· Type the command (changing the path if UniVerse is not loaded into its default location):
C:\u2\uv\bin\mkaccount PICK
This creates a new, PICK flavoured account in the directory.
Once have created the PICK flavored account, you can issue the “uvsh” command to start a UniVerse session in the Mercury account. You will need to create a type 19 file in the Mercury account as follows;
CREATE.FILE BP 1,1 1,1,19
Mercury Install
Once you have downloaded the Mercury install “pac” file, drop it in the BP file of the Mercury account to created previously. start a UDT session in the Mercury account and perform he following commands at ECL:
Once you start running the program it should begin the install process.
At the end of the install you will need to choose a port for the service to listen on, the default is 3390. However you can choose any unused port for the Mercury service.
You will also be given the option to start the service.
Assuming you have started the service and the install goes well, you may use your web browser to license Mercury. I suggest using Chrome, Firefox or Opera browsers; MS Internet Explorer (IE) will work, but it does not look very good.
In your browser using the following url to start Mercury Console assuming you are launching the browser on the unidata server. If you selected a port other than 3390, use that port number:
Upon launching Mercury Console, you will be prompted for a User ID and Password. Below are the default:
Initial User ID: admin
Initial Password: password
Once you have started Mercury Console, Simple click on the Security module, then select Licensing.
Assuming everything licenses correctly, the display should refresh and your version of Mercury will be ready to go.
Note: You may need to manually refresh the browser display again after licensing, as I have discovered on some browsers the background Is not refreshing correctly. I am working on this.
If for some reason you are unable to Auto-License Mercury, please forward the “Config Code” to paradigm system support desk and activation code will be provided.
Please report any issues to the Paradigm System help desk by visiting the following web address: