Complete the following four steps to create a UniData account:
1.Make sure the environment variable UDTHOME is set.
2.Use the UNIX mkdir command to create the directory that will house the account. The name of the UniData account directory can be in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed uppercase and lowercase.
3.Change to the directory with the UNIX cd command.
4.Use the UniData newacct command to create the VOC and other UniData-specific files in the directory.
Note: You do not need to log on as root to create a UniData account. However, the newacct command prompts you for a user and group for your account. If you are logged on as root, UniData uses this information to set ownership and permissions for the account. If you are not logged on as root, UniData ignores your responses and uses your current logon and group ID.
The following three screens illustrate how to create an account, how to enter UniData in the new account, and how to use the UniData LS command to list the contents of the account:
# mkdir ACCOUNT
# newacct
% newacct
The UDTHOME for this account is /disk1/ud73/.
Do you want to continue(y/n)?
Please enter the account group name: users
Notice that, in the example, UDTHOME was already set to the path of /usr/ud73. When you run newacct, UniData creates the new VOC file by using a standard VOC file that is located in udthome/sys.
Tip: If you want to tailor your standard VOC file before you create new accounts, you may do so. We recommend that you save a copy of the standard VOC before you make changes.
The next example shows output from newacct:
Initializing the account ...
VOC and D_VOC file are created
Creating file D_SAVEDLISTS modulo /1
Added "@ID", the default record for UniData to D_SAVEDLISTS.
Creating file D_savedlists modulo /1
Added "@ID", the default record for UniData to D_savedlists.
Creating file D__PH_ modulo /1
Added "@ID", the default record for UniData to D__PH_.
Creating file D__HOLD_ modulo /1
Added "@ID", the default record for UniData to D__HOLD_.
Creating file D_BP modulo /1
Added "@ID", the default record for UniData to D_BP.
Creating file D_CTLG modulo /1
Added "@ID", the default record for UniData to D_CTLG.
D__REPORT_ file created
Create file _REPORT_(&report&), modulo/17
D__SCREEN_ file created
Create file _SCREEN_, modulo/17
D_MENUFILE file created
Create file MENUFILE, modulo/2
D___V__VIEW file created
Create file __V__VIEW, modulo/11
The next example shows output from udt and LS:
% udt
UniData Release 7.3 Build: (6069)
© Rocket Software, Inc. 1985-2011.
All rights reserved.
Current UniData home is /disk1/ud73/.
Current working directory is /disk1/ud73/demo.